Spotify Music Converter HOT
Download and Convert Spotify to MP3
The conversion of AudFree DRM Audio Converter in macOS High Sierra is in real-time with the song itself. That's becuase in order to support macOS 10.13, we changed the conversion method which would slow down the speed than before. If you need to achieve 30X faster speed, we'd suggest you install the program on Mac Sierra or lower versions or simply switch to Windows version.
Sometimes due to our server error, you may receive the error message when trying to update the program within the app. In this case, please simply go to our download center to download and install the latest setup file of the program.
Before launching AudFree DRM Audio Converter, please make sure you've already authorized your computer with the iTunes account and the original songs/audiobooks could play well in iTunes. Otherwise AudFree won't work as expected.
As AudFree Spotify Music Converter doesn't support the Windows Store version of Spotify app, please make sure your Spotify is the official web version. Otherwise we'd suggest you completely uninstall the Windows Store version from your computer and then redownload the web version from Spotify.
Currently AudFree programs only support PCs. There's no iOS apps yet. So you can only install and use the software on your Mac or Windows computer but not mobile devices.
If you have met some unexpected conversion errors when running Spotify Music Converter to download Spotify music, you can refer to the following useful source page: Fix Converting Issue of Spotify Music Converter to make AudFree Music Converter for Spotify work again.
Due to the Spotify API limitation, you can convert 100 Spotify songs in one playlist link at most currently at one time. We will keep improving it in future.
If you can't open AudFree tools on your macOS Catalina or above, please refer to this article: How to Open AudFree on macOS 10.15/11/12 and above to solve it in 4 ways.